Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Serious Ass-Kicking, courtesy of Tugg Speedman

Dreamworks has set up three websites to promote Ben Stiller and his movie “Tropic Thunder”, coming out this August. They are part of a viral marketing campaign to introduce “Tugg Speedman”, Ben Stiller’s character in “Tropic Thunder” to an unsuspecting audience, not unlike the famously fun “Why So Serious?” website to promote the new Batman installment “The Dark Knight”.

Tugg Speedman has his own website and websites for his movies “Simple Jack” and “Scorcher 6″ which chronicle Tugg Speedman’s life as an action star - the ins and outs of the fickle martial arts film industry, his failed turn as a serious actor in the aptly titled “Simple Jack” and his future plans of starring in “Scorcher 6″, part six of a six part movie. “Scorcher 6″ reveals what “Zoolander” and “Meet the Parents” already explained to us about Ben Stiller: he is amazingly clever at playing dumb people. So here are two conversations I believe could happen if these websites were for real:

Two dudes walk out of Tugg Speedman’s new film “Simple Jack”

Dude: Dude. That was just wrong, yo. I don’t care who you is, that Rebecca chick was mad hot and so should have jumped on Jack. Who does she think she is? Yo, she is retarded for not mackin’ on Tugg. And did you see him with that horse? That was magical, dude. Whoa! Is that Tugg Speedman?

Tugg Speedman: Yes. It is Tugg Speedman and I’ve come here personally to tell you this movie does not suck. Sure, it’s about a retard and a sexually under satisfied woman, but it’s got puppies.

Two dudes win a contest to meet Tugg Speedman and talk about his new film

Dude 2: Where’s Tugg? Yo, he said he’d be here. Oh, there he is. Hey dude!

TS: What’s up dudes.

Dude 1: Hey man! How’s the world treatin’ you?

TS: It’s good, it’s good man. Tropic Thunder is comin’ out in August and that’s really big for me.

Dude 2: Ya, especially after that “Simple Jack” drama.

TS: Yes, well sometimes you want to step away from the ass-kickin’ once in a while. I stepped, and well, sometimes you just don’t make it. I tripped, big time, dudes. I had to though; those kung-fu nuts back in China were killing me.

Dude 1: So what can you promise us from “Tropic Thunder”..your new flick?

TS: I can promise you…a lot of blowin’ shit up. Crazy atomic, I mean, nuclear, no, wait, submachine gun weapons. And ass-kickin.

Dudes: Ya! Ass-kickin’!

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