Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Discovering that Manhattan is an Island

After doing completely squat this past weekend and failing to rally friends to go to Astoria’s Bohemian Beer Garden, I managed to rally Mars out of Queens and we went tanning in the Park. It was a beautiful day when Hurricane Hanna left town but it was a smidge too hot for early September (global warming?). After deeming it too hot to layabout in the Park sipping iced tea and watching puppies all day, we moseyed to Riverside to wander, go (free) kayaking and enjoy popcorn shrimp and chopped salad at Boat Basin Cafe.

The view of (many) Trump buildings from Riverside

A pretty awesome shot of Mars…too bad there’s a West Side Highway:

A view of Jersey from the riverwalk

After kayaking…I was really happy!

79th Street Boat Basin (and Boat Basin Cafe)

The Boat Basin is awesome - I highly recommend it, not just because it’s a cool summer hangout to watch games and drink margaritas but also because they are living green! Their plastic cups are completely compostable and made from plant matter. I think I’ve tracked down the brand: Greenware.

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