Monday, June 1, 2009

Catie Dishes Flashback: Sixteen Again

So, I did something today that people only do when they are bored. I googled myself. Yes, google. I usually google "Catie Nastovici" but this time I used my (full) first name and...the findings were sublime. I discovered the web page I had designed for my then-boyfriend's spoof (maybe? It seems logical) rap group (funny, because he was probably the biggest Reel Big Fish fan ever) "7 Thugs and a Minivan". I won't post the website here (embarassing) but the photos are a precious time capsule of my sixteen year old self...I thought I knew everything...I now know I know nothing.

Sixteen-year-old me with then-boyfriend Jason
I believe I had pink hair and braces (that's why there's no smile on my part) at this point.

Friend Kedre with then-boyfriend Nick
On this night, we were running around the new Best Buy in our town (Frederick, MD)
while I took black and white pictures for my photography class.

Brian and Chris...probably ogling a DVD

Brian, Chris and Jason at Chris's house...I remember spending a lot of time in this dwelling

I think at some point I'm going to retroactively post pictures of myself in high school or post stories of myself in college...I need to find a scanner!

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